четверг, 21 августа 2014 г.

Extended Statistics of TicketForEvent

Great news for all event organizers – now all TicketForEvent users can analyze ticket sales, payment methods information, customer behavior and event attendance information in more detail with our new Extended Statistics feature. This information is now available in organizer’s company account.

Do you want to know more about this feature?

In your company account go to Statistics tab in My Events section, pick one of your events and press the diagram.

Then, for more detailed information go to Reports section. There you will find the following information:

The Sales section will enable you to get information about the amount of ordered and purchased tickets in the selected period.

The system contains filters (for this section the filter is order status), to select the necessary filter, press the triangle near the period selection field.

You can track the ticket sales for each ticket category in the Tickets section. Information on each category is presented in numbers and as a percentage from overall sales.

In the Income section you can see the information on all the incoming payments. The information can be filtered by the necessary period, payment method, the data can be exported to Excel.

The Visits section will enable you to have the information on how your visitors attend your events no matter how long your event is. The data is available by day or hour. For more detailed analysis you can use filters (ticket types).

You can also track the actions of the end users on the ticket sales page with Google Analytics. Do do this you need to tap the “Track purchases with Google Analytics” option and enter the Tracking code.

We are sure that TicketForEvent advances statistics will bring additional options for you in your preparation to your events.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

All the best with your new events!

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